To Extend the Life of Fresh Herbs, Treat Them Like Flowers

POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts
POPSUGAR Photography | Anna Monette Roberts

I know the pain of wasting a $2 bunch of fresh herbs. You may use a few sprigs but then, the next time you reach for them in the fridge, the herbs have decayed into a green pulp. How the heck is a person supposed to use the entire bunch in a few days? After making this mistake countless times, I decided to start treating the herbs like a fresh bouquet of flowers. Simply snip the ends of the herbs using sharp kitchen shears, then store them in a mason jar (or small glass cup) filled with some water in the fridge. Be sure the water only hits the stems (not the leaves) or else, you'll end up with some swampy herbs! Now, like flowers, I refresh the water and re-snip the ends each day. If you do this, you're herbs will last for about a week (and sometimes even more). Try this technique with parsley, cilantro, basil, thyme, marjoram, and more fresh herbs.